
Growth Advisory and Growth Equity

Small and mid-size enterprises often reach a plateau that serves ongoing needs with few or no prospects of going beyond that plateau. While many of those enterprises are comfortable at that level, others realize that reaching that plateau is only the beginning of tapping their potential. This select group of growth-oriented companies relies on concierge growth advisory and growth equity services from the experts in Euro Credit’s referral network, all of whom are vetted and verified as service providers that work to create partnerships that endure through the client’s multiple growth phases.

We have identified the best of third-party experts who have the skills and knowledge to develop debt financing options that allow principal and the interest payments on business loans to be recorded as business expenses. (Please understand that Euro Credit does not offer tax, legal, or accounting advice and we make no specific representations regarding the deductibility of any payments. In all instances, we strongly urge clients to consult with their own financial advisors to confirm which of those expenses may be deductible from business income taxes.)


Growth Advisory Services

Managers and owners of small enterprises and closely-held or family-owned companies might have developed strong operational expertise at the cost of not being able to drive sustainable revenues or to perpetuate earnings that justify the efforts they put not their operations. This disconnect limits the valuation of the enterprise and erodes the company’s ability to maximize shareholder wealth or to attract outside investment on terms that are acceptable to the company.


Euro Credit connects those owners and managers with freestanding growth advisory experts that can take a company off of a slow- or no-growth path to help it achieve radical performance improvements. Those improvements generate significant valuation increases that flow down to every shareholder’s bottom line.


Technology has enabled growth advisory specialists to merge their proprietary research and analytical tools and technology with their financing acumen to create a business accelerator that delivers exponential performance increases and that enables the implementation of sustained scalability. This accelerator protocol achieves profitability through scale and creates conditions under which a company generates its capital for current and future investment through a scaling process.


The most trusted advisors do more than just launch the accelerator. As their partnership with a client grows, they monitor growth and acceleration and watch for new opportunities to achieve growth with debt or equity financing that would otherwise not have been possible or available if the company had not implemented the accelerator protocol. As growth continues, it energizes the organization to reach higher levels of business leadership with greater management and employee engagement.

The optimal multi-faceted accelerator process will:

Shift operations from current performance to a sustained scaling model;
Eliminate the vestiges of traditional but non-effective approaches to change management, brand repositioning, and SWOT analysis;
Create pragmatic mindsets among management teams and encourage those teams to seek new and improved skills, activities, metrics, mindsets, and leadership approaches to drive both core and new business opportunities;
Execute holistic plans that are built and structured to take advantage of the unique values and strengths of a business and its leadership.

To reduce bias and conflicts of interest, we refer growth equity engagements to a diverse team of outside business advisors and consultants who offer expertise in leadership, marketing, sales, information technology, engineering, and communications across multiple industries. They represent an integrated group of business growth architects that provide the talent and perspective to implement a powerful accelerator protocol in virtually any environment.

Growth Equity

Euro Credit provides collateralized financing and liquidity solutions and acts as a referral gateway to advisors that serve a business’s growth equity requirements at every stage of the business’s lifespan, and specifically in situations where a business seeks to secure an equity investment for growth purposes. Those advisors assist owners to understand and evaluate both debt and equity financing options and to select the alternative that best serves a business’s unique needs.

In the best circumstances, they structure growth equity investments to enable owners and other current shareholders to remain investors and to realize a portion of their investment. Their collective knowledge and experience help businesses to secure growth equity with optimized terms and reduced risks.

They also maintain a global presence to give businesses access to growth equity investors that provide board-level perspective and insights to manage growth and pursue expansions.  With these advisor services, a business can secure capital for:

Strategic acquisitions;
International expansion;
Construction of new facilities;
Research and development of new products and services;
Smoothing uneven earnings in preparation for larger financing rounds;
Recapitalizing minority holdings;
Paying distributions, dividends, and cash-outs to current shareholders.
Euro Credit is a direct provider of certain specific services. Euro Credit reserves the right to refer inquiries for some services to third parties that are licensed or registered to provide those services where licensing or registration may be required by the laws of the applicable jurisdictions in which those services are offered. Euro Credit provides its services fully in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations of all jurisdictions in which it conducts business or otherwise engages in transactions with contracting counterparts, either directly to the extent that an obligation, exemption, or exclusion for licensure applies, or otherwise through third-party licensees.