

Closely-held businesses often need financial and business advisory services to negotiate and interface with creditor and stakeholder constituencies during periods of financial challenge or other unique circumstances. The third-party consultants that are in Euro Credit’s referral network have developed a unique perspective and expertise in solving financing problems in challenging, time-sensitive environments. These assignments call for seniors level consultation services to ensure that all strategic alternatives are evaluated and to develop uniquely tailored solutions that allow businesses and their key constituencies to resolve issues in a timely, effective, and financially beneficial manner.

Consultants who have these special skills can offer assistance with:

Negotiating with current lenders or investors to restructure balance sheets;
Raising new debt or equity capital;
Facilitating an efficient and value-maximizing sale or a distressed business;
Negotiating covenant waivers and amendments;
Formulating and evaluating pre-packaged or pre-arranged Chapter 11 cases and traditional Chapter 11 reorganizations;
Arranging rescue, debtor-in-possession, and exit financing;
Administering 363 sales (and international equivalents) and foreclosure sales;
Assisting in the disposition of non-core assets.
Euro Credit is a direct provider of certain specific services. Euro Credit reserves the right to refer inquiries for some services to third parties that are licensed or registered to provide those services where licensing or registration may be required by the laws of the applicable jurisdictions in which those services are offered. Euro Credit provides its services fully in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations of all jurisdictions in which it conducts business or otherwise engages in transactions with contracting counterparts, either directly to the extent that an obligation, exemption, or exclusion for licensure applies, or otherwise through third-party licensees.